Thursday, January 15, 2009

Star Wars (Original Trilogy) as retold by someone who's only seen bits and pieces of each film

Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.

This is awesome!

Funny how my first blog today (in a buncha days), was about how I had nothing in my head to blog about. And now I'm on blog post #4. A day of inspiration in a way.

-Mike Baker the Bike Maker


Anonymous said...

You have right!This is awsome!!!

Dom. I Dig. said...

Oh so amazing

diane said...

Hi, I found your page through Choo's Box, as we are both followers. Your Star Wars post is cool, good job.

Can you help me, I am having trouble leaving comments for Choo. When word verification comes up, there is only a blank space. Am I doing something wrong? Please comment me back. Thanks.