Monday, August 17, 2009

NEW SONG: "Kiss the Lens (LIVE)"

Mike Baker The Bike Maker - Kiss The Lens from The Mighty Fifty on Vimeo.

This one's special, cuz it's something brand spanking new for you!

Kiss The Lens is the first taste you're getting off my upcoming debut LP. The song is produced by 1 o.A.k.,who truly is "one of a kind" when it comes to the productions he creates.

The song is an ode to two of my biggest inspirations: The female form and photography.

I can't wait to shoot a video for this!

Once again, the folks over at The Mighty Fifty hooked it up fat. Much love fam!


Mike Baker the Bike Maker

1 comment:

missdreass said...

love the video, love the song.