Friday, December 12, 2008

Damn, Prince really DID get on the Guitar at Q-Tip's show

Courtesy of Miss Info.

Mike Baker the Bike Maker


justbrad said...

whoa mane. i got chills seeing that.. (its a minnesota thing) but damn PRINCE REALLY DID GET ON STAGE WITH QTIP. thats insane. lol @ the utter surprise that guitarist must of felt when prince prob tapped him on the shoulder and was like, "may i"

vash...thee lvvr said...

damn right he did. Like told us he was backstage and no one believed it. I was stage left and couldnt see him but heard massive screaming. then I took off like Flo Jo and rushed the stage. just for a glimpse, a touch, the hopes that maybe a bead of sweat would fall on my bottom lip. I semi fainted, grabbed my ankles and let out PP. hehehe